A step-by-step guide on how to become a seller at Stygen:
To become a seller at Stygen, follow the steps given:
First, you need to register yourself as a seller on Stygen. To do so, click on the link mentioned below:
You will see a screen similar to this on your computer screen-
Click on ‘Register’ option. It will lead you to the seller registration form.
Fill the ‘seller registration form’ and submit it. Stygen will review your form, and if approved you will be moved to the second step.
Please note that you are liable to register your business legally. You should have registered business entity to be able to sell on Stygen.
You can classify your business under two different legal entities i.e.-
- Business
- Individual
Once you have selected your business as one of the above-mentioned legal entities, it is time to provide some documents. You need to provide Stygen with the following documents:
- Your Tax Payer Identity (TIN)
- Your BIN
- Your Trade License
- Birth Certificate
Once Stygen, verifies all your documents, you will be registered as a seller and you can start selling your product.
Make your brand, list your products along with the prices, shipping charges and discounts if you are willing to give any.
Once you have made all information live, buyers will be able to browse your products and buy accordingly.
Check for the orders on your ‘seller dashboard’. Make your product available. Stygen has the responsibility to pick your product, pack it and deliver at the mentioned address.
The rate of commission is decided by Stygen. It usually falls in the bracket of 25 to 30%. Stygen has the right to reject your product if it is defected or has a dent.